Get Rich Content Elements.
Get premium-class content elements to build your own WordPress site. Design unique layouts step by step without coding - it's so easy with the Visual Composer.
Visual Composer Hub for elements
Uncover the true power of Visual Composer via the free cloud marketplace of content elements. Visual Composer Hub offers a comprehensive library of elements with regular updates and unlimited downloads.
Dynamic content
Replace your static content with dynamic content from WordPress default or custom fields.

Edit any element
Access multiple options available to all elements. An intuitive edit form gives you the freedom to adjust any element.
Replace elements
Switch between elements with a smart replace option to quickly change the look and feel of your content.

Use advanced elements
Dive into section-type elements that consist of various basic elements, so you can build your layouts faster.
Element presets
Adjust any element to your liking and save it as a preset for a quick reuse. Create your own set of elements.

WordPress widget support
Add WordPress default and custom widgets anywhere on your site with the Visual Composer Website Builder.
CSS animations
Create beautiful transitions with the element appearance animations available out of the box. Highlight the most import parts of your site, like CTA buttons or notifications.
Custom element names
Give custom names to your elements to organize your layout into a meaningful hierarchy or make notes to other team members in your organization.
Element design options
Adjust any element of Visual Composer with the most powerful Design Options tool on the market. Control CSS properties (margins, borders, etc.), add parallax effects, shapes, and more.
Hide elements
Hide any element with a single click or adjust element appearance on specific device types via responsive Design Options.
Element API
For pro web developers and agencies, Visual Composer offers a powerful API that allows you to develop your own custom elements.
Manage elements
Keep your content library clean by managing elements. Delete downloaded elements and re-download them at any time from the Visual Composer Hub.
Extra class name
Add extra class names or element IDs to any content element and refer to them via Custom CSS. Adjust any element to fit your design needs at any time.
Data attributes
Visual Composer allows you to add custom data attributes to Visual Composer elements, and interact with them via JS.
Most used elements
Quickly access your most-used elements. Visual Composer will automatically detect your most-used elements and display them at the top.
Custom CSS for elements
Visual Composer allows you to add custom CSS to all individual rows, columns, and elements via the advanced settings in the element edit window.

WooCommerce elements
Work with WooCommerce in a completely new way, Visual Composer allows you to build your own store step by step with the special WooCommerce elements.

Social media elements
Use the power of social media as your business advantage with a comprehensive list of social media elements, like Facebook Posts and Twitter Tweet.

Compatibility elements
Use your favorite and the most popular WordPress plugins straight from the Frontend editor. Visual Composer is compatible with top-notch plugins and offers compatibility elements.

Gutenberg elements
Access Gutenberg from the Visual Composer Frontend editor with the compatibility element. Add multiple Gutenberg instances to your layout.

Cloud marketplace
An in-app marketplace of elements, templates, and extensions. Unlimited downloads, regular updates, and fixed fee. Build your website from the cloud.

Header elements
Add logo or multiple menus anywhere on the site to create completely custom layouts.

Element groups
Access element groups, like buttons and icons, for an easy way to create inline content and control group properties.

Element lock
Design websites for your clients and secure your layout by locking certain elements that only Administrator can edit.

Post grid elements
Build custom archive pages, display your portfolio, articles, and news. Visual Composer Post Grid elements allow you to work with pages, posts, and custom post types.

Role manager
Secure your site against human errors with the Role Manager addon. Control what your clients can access.

Div element
The <div> element contains only a div container, without any additional attributes of the Visual Composer elements, allowing you to expand it using custom CSS and JS, and build layouts.