We are pleased to announce that the new Visual Composer Website Builder is available on WordPress.org plugin repository! This is a big and logical step for us, as well as you, current and future Visual Composer users.
From now on, you can find the latest version of Visual Composer on WordPress as well as auto-install it directly from your dashboard.
The WordPress Plugin Repository
WordPress.org Plugin Repository - a library of trusted WordPress plugins that contain 50,000+ different plugins that are safe and modern open-source software for free use to build and maintain websites.
The emphasis here is on the trusted WordPress plugins. To be in the WordPress repository, the plugin must meet a number of rules that include security, compliance, transparency and various technical specifications.
It is all about allowing users to download a high-quality, secure, and multifunctional software for their digital projects. And Visual Composer is just that - a multifunctional and powerful website builder that is available for free download now from three different places.
Download Free Visual Composer
The three top channels from which you can choose to download the new Visual Composer are:
WordPress.org – when entering the WordPress repository, under the Plugins section search for "Visual Composer Website Builder" or simply click here to Download Visual Composer.
WordPress Admin Dashboard – if you already have WordPress installed, there is nothing easier than just searching for plugins and themes directly from the admin. Simply log in to you yoursite.com/wp-admin, click on Plugins - Add New and search for “Visual Composer Website Builder”.

Visual Composer Website - The third option is our website visualcomposer.com, where you can download free Visual Composer as well as explore all the offered features.
In Conclusion
We are glad the Visual Composer is on WordPress.org and hope this will ease the way how you can download a quality and powerful website builder.
Moreover, being on WordPress.org means that Visual Composer is now available to all WordPress.com users - make sure to take advantage of it.
As always, we are looking forward to your feedback, suggestions and feature requests. In the meanwhile, we are working on new features and creating new elements and templates to be included inside the Visual Composer Hub. Stay tuned for future updates.